Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Module 4

My network has made learning convenient.  I remember when I was working on my bachelor’s degree in the 90’s, I would have to go to the local or university library in order to conduct research or use a computer.  I remember spending endless hours sitting at a cubicle in the back corner of the library reading.  In addition, when it was time to collaborate, that consisted on my assigned group meeting in a public place in order to have discussions.  Now I am able to acquire knowledge at any given time or place with the help of my Smartphone or mobile hotspot.  Both of these tools allow me the ability to connect to the internet and retrieve whatever information I need instantaneously.
One digital tool that facilitates my learning is a blog.  Prior to becoming a student at Walden University, I had very little experience using blogs.  I like how my program not only discusses the usefulness of the blogs but provides numerous assignments that require me to utilize the tool.  I access blogs related to my course at least four times out of the week.  Blogging allows me to share my ideas and thoughts and gain perspectives and ideas from others around the world.  In addition to viewing blogs related to my courses at Walden, I also frequent teacher education blogs.  These blogs have been very resourceful.    
When I have a question, I usually go directly to the internet.  It is a quick way to look for answers.  Once I am on the internet I typically go to and do a search.  Google provides me with multiple options to answer my question.  By using the internet, I am able to receive an array of answers and perspectives.  I usually end up with more than enough information. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Module 3

Rheingold (2005) states that we can succeed through collaborative efforts and when we all work together as one. I agree with his statement, however I do not think that people have a basic instinct to work together as one or as a group.  In reflecting on my own personal work habits, I am what they call a “loner” or you can say I have a shy personality.  I like working alone because I am able to work at my own pace and work without any interruptions during my thinking.   Do not get me wrong, I can also work well in collaborative environments.   To sum up my thoughts, my first instinct is not to rally together a group to complete a task but to see if I can successfully complete the task independently.   Another point I would like to make is that as humans we also have a competitive nature.  When competition is involved then everything becomes a solo effort.  In my opinion, Rheingolds’ theory is pertinent when survival is at stake, then a person’s basic instinct thrust into interacting and working as a group. 
One technology tool that facilitates collaboration among learners based on the constructivist principles is a blog. Blogs allows students to provide reflections and allow students to make comments to their peers (Palloff, 2005). During third quarter, a fifth grade class I work with was finishing a unit on the Civil War.  My contribution to the unit was to create work stations for the students to engage in as a method to review the content before taking their bench mark.  One of the work stations that I created was labeled the Blogger in U.  The students had to answer the following question: Dear students you have been studying the Civil War over the last 8 weeks.  Reflecting on all of the information that you have learned answer the following question on Mrs. Simmons’ blog. How have the events that occurred before and after the Civil War impacted the way that you live today?  This question promoted higher order thinking because the students had to take all the information that they learned about the Civil War (prior knowledge) and apply it to their life as it is today.
Distance Education supports collaboration as an effective tool for learning. George Seiman, stated that more people are accepting the idea of participating in distance education (Laureate, 2008).  As distance education continues to flourish, new methods of collaboration are being developed and experienced in order to effectively communicate with one another.  In a face to face environment, you are only able to communicate with the participants that are in the room with you.  Collaborating in distance education allows participants to communicate outside of their normal parameters.  Participants are able to communicate with people around the world synchronously (Laureate, 2008).

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Rheingold, H. (2005, February). New-way collaboration. Retrieved April 10, 2011, from