Thursday, May 26, 2011

Module 6 Responses

I have been trying to post to Wanda and Christine's blog since Tuesday, but the comment would not post it kept returning to the sign-in page.  This morning I tried again and saw that Wanda posted the comments to her blog.  So here are my comments for Wanda Ardoin-Bailey and Christine Rand.

Response to Wanda
I like your philosophy, a lot!!!  I agree with you children are coming to us with different backgrounds and at different learning levels.  Teaching is not like it was in the “old days”.  As I reflect on my own educational upbringing, I don’t remember my teachers pulling students to the side for one on one instruction or differentiating the instruction in anyway.  It was a one shot deal.  Sadly, you either got it the first time or you were just out of luck.  Boy times have changed.  I am really looking forward to all that technology has to offer.   Technology has really enhanced my teaching practices and I enjoy using it in and out of the classroom. 

Response to Christine
Yes, Christine one of the biggest advantages about technology is the convenience that it offers.  However, that convenience has had a positive and negative impact on our society.  Using your example about the library, one of the negative impacts is that public libraries are being shut down because people are not utilizing the services.  I will admit that I am guilty of preferring the Internet over the library. The click of a mouse just sounds great when I think about gas prices.  It's like you said it is not about laziness it about options, using your time effectively, and what’s going to save time and money.   

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